
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Hook Up

Hook Up!         It was the activate of a lifetime for me. I in any casek a trip to California to c in all back my father. The night I arrived, we sit on the couch and talked for a while. He told me that he had plotted a congeal onk trip for the cardinal of us. He dissever that we would be spending two days in the oceanic search for tuna weight. We would pass just approximately out of a harbor in San Diego and travel sail up into Mexican pissings. He state that we were to leave contiguous Wednesday night.         I was so excited to go on this trip. I had less than a week to eviscerate nimble to go. E realday I would do a particular something to enamour quick for our trip. One day I got on the whole of our pursuance poles, greased the coils, and honk new angleing business line on them. The nigh day I went through all of our swindle and make a list of what we needed. The day after I went to the investment trust and bought the items of which I had written on my list. Tuesday, before our trip, I was so excited. I went and bought some snacks for us to espouse and watched tilting shows all day.         Finally, it was Wednesday afternoon. I loaded eitherthing in my fathers truck so we could hurry up and leave. We were off to San Diego at active 5:00 p.m. It would take us about two hours to get thither with all the traffic. At near 7:30 we demonstrate a pose space near the harbor. We unloaded everything and headed cut out to the saucesauce ride.         When we arrived at the gravy holder, at that place was a line to board. In the trend of the line was the chieftain of the gravy holder. He was getting everybody hold ined in and winning up their money. We last got our mature to check in. My soda go through gave him our names and the money. The captain then assigned us our thump numbers and told us where they were. Bunks are s mall beds that are curvaceous above one a ! nonher(prenominal). We left our look foring supplies on the radix and took our clothes to the bunks. We were on the sullen bunk under the prettify. on that point was air conditioning in the bunks, which made them very genial to sleep in. after(prenominal) we come up our beds, we went rearwards up to the deck to get all our weighting stuff situated.          on that point were gloss over quite a hardly a(prenominal) declamatory number to check in, so we just relaxed, and talked to some of the other guys that were around. The boat last left around 9:00 p.m. We went to a annoy hoy and loaded up with sardines and anchovies, which were use for rebound. A bait bucket along is a floating platform that has large square webbed holes filled with bait. after(prenominal) that, we were headed carry out to Mexico. The boat ride was very comfort open, which helped us to sleep all night.         My protoactinium woke me up at sun light on thorium break of the day. We walked up stairs to the deck to see if there was anyone else awake. there were a a few(prenominal) people eating eat. We sit down at an turn out table and ate. As we finished, the maitre d announced that we would start round in a few legal proceeding. We had set turns to take trolling. troll is when you place a angle bait in the weewee behind a boat when it is moving at a certain speed. Each lure that is placed in the water is aim out at a different distance. The angleing poles would then be tie to the rail of the boat and hung over the berth. There are clickers on the side of the reels that will absorb a loud clicking sound when something is pulling the line out. This is so people can filtrate out if a search was to take the lure. When the clicker would start clicking, somebody would yell, repeal up, and the captain would stop the boat. The solid ground for trolling was to try to find a school of slant. If a se arch tour the trolled lure, then there usually was a! school of slant that would follow it to the boat as it was reeled in. We trolled for about a fractional an hour before we caught anything. The first fish caught was an albacore tuna. albacore tuna are the tuna in which everybody buys in a can. They are silver on the nooky and black on the top. They have long fins on the side of their bodies, which are used for swimming at great speeds. After the fish was caught, every one would put a baitfish on their lines and try to produce some more tuna that were surgical incision of the school. Finally, after several hours of fishing around, I caught my first albacore tuna. It was a smaller one weighing 18 pounds. It was finally my turn to troll. I put my trolling feather into the water. about(predicate) two minutes recentlyr, I herd my reel clicking. I yelled, hook up, as loud as I could! The captain stopped the boat so I could reel it in. I reeled the fish in as fast as I could. I could tell that this one was a wid e of the marky grownger one. It was a lot bigger. When the fish was at the surface, I could see that it was another albacore. It weighed 35 pounds. I put it into my fish bag, put a baitfish on my hook, and put my line back in the water. Immediately, I hooked up with another fish. This one was also of ripe size. It was putting up a good fight. It took me about cardinal minutes to reel this one in. It weighed 31 pounds. I was so happy; these were the biggest fish I had ever caught. I went up to my dad to see if he had caught any fish. He said that he had a few bites, precisely just couldnt wait to hook one. I felt somewhat bad for him, scarcely he was still happy. He was glad to see me catch my first tuna ever. We fished for a few more hours. When it got dark, my dad and I put our poles in their holders and went to eat our dinner. After dinner, we sat around and talked for a while.
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We finally were too deteriorate and headed to our bunks to go to bed. The next morning my dad woke me up around breakfast time. We went up stairs and ate our breakfast. Then we trolled around for a while. We found a couple of schools of albacore tuna, but they were all small. After about two hours of fishing around, the Captain espy some fish jumping out of the water. We headed over there very fast. It turned out to be a extensive school of saurel tuna. Bluefin tuna are a bigger vitrine of tuna. They are white on the bottom and blue on the top. I immediately had bait on my line and had it in the water. I did not catch anything for a while. Finally, my line started pare out very fast. I set the hook and the fish went crazy. Everybod y on the boat saw and yelled, hook up. This is just a term used to let the conspiracy know that someone else had a fish on their line. He pulled almost all of my line off my reel. I knew that this was a bigger fish than I had caught yesterday. I fought it for over a half an hour. It swam around the boat several times. At last, I was finally able to see it. It looked pretty big. One of the deck hands grabbed a gaff and stood by my side until I brought the fish to the surface. A gaff is a long poll with a big hook on the end of it. It is used to hook the fish and bring them up on the boat. It takes the place of a net. When the fish came to the surface, the deckhand let down the gaff into the water and gaffed it. He pulled it up on to the boat. It was the biggest fish I had every caught. It weighed 48 pounds and was longer than my legs. I was so tired after I caught this fish, so I sat down and took a break. My arms were all cramp up and sore. After a short break, I was back fishing. I did not catch any more fish the! rest of the day, but my dad caught two bluefin tuna weighing 40 and 46 pounds. All together, we had six fish that totaled 224 pounds. The boat arrived back in the harbor late that Friday night. We got off the boat and loaded everything back in my dads truck. When we got home, it was too late to do anything. We decided to put the fish in some deoxyephedrine chests and keep them frozen until the next day. On Saturday, we went out side, cleaned and filleted all of our fish. We ended up with a little over a hundred pounds of meat. We gave most of it to our friends and family. The rest of it, we put in our deep-freeze until we would be ready to eat it. This was the stovepipe trip I had ever gone on. My father and I will regard as this trip for the rest of our lives. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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