
Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Philosophy of Education Essay -- Philosophy of Teaching Statement

Philosophy of Education School. What is school? School is something where kids go five days a week to learn new things each day. School is where they get a good education so when they get out of college they can go get a high paying job and support their family. Having an education is something that will help you when you get in the real world. Education is something that has helped me to pursue my dream, which is to go to college and get a job as a teacher, which was influenced by my father. In my paper I plan to tell you about my views of nature of knowledge, purpose of education, why education is important, what I want to accomplish as a teacher, what one want the students to accomplish, methods, discipline, and curriculum. Today children are classified into three groups AP , intermediate, and LED. The children are strongly influenced by their environment just as Plato had said. If kids were born with the same intelligence, then we wouldn't have to classify them into three groups. One example to show that Rousseau' s theory was wrong is when I was in second grade and the teacher have us a reading test. The test was to see who could read well enough to move to a higher reading level. Some of us moved and some didn't. If Rousseau's theory was right that every student had the same intelligence, then every kid would have passed the test and moved to a higher reading level. However if kids that weren't read to as a kid are more likely to have lower scores in reading. Knowledge is the particular range of one's information or acquaintance with facts. This is something that is absolute and by that it means it will never change. What you learn can only make you understand life more. Life is knowledge, if you k... ...o think physical education classes can be good for teaching the students the importance of team work. The reason I think Health is important, is because most kids today doesn't know how the body works and don't know how to eat a healthy diet. Health goes right along with P .E. , because in Physical Education I'm promoting physical activity and in Health I'm promoting proper eating habits. It all ties in together on how to have a properly fit and healthy body that can produce a long healthy life. Many of the views that I gave you are similar to the views of Plato's. Many of the views discussed why education is so important in a person's life. Having a education is something that will help you beyond the work force it will help you in life itself. If it wasn't for the education that I have received over the years, I wouldn't be pursuing my dream as a teacher.

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