
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Ruther-Fraud B. Hayes

hay was never a solitary, a boy of moods, wrote biographer H. J. Eckenrode. He had no seasons of exaltation followed by depression tout ensemble his life he liked bon ton and shone in it in a pocket-size way not sparkling, not brilliant, entirely pleasing, sit downisfying. He had a gift of acquaintance and most(prenominal) of those he love in youth he loved in age. As a young man, however, Hayes went through a period of vast inner tension, which he himself attributed to a attention that he would one day f exclusively behind his mind, as some relatives, on two sides of his family, had done.Overcoming this fear, he matured into a relaxed, easy-going fellow, a good conversationalist, and a keen perceiver of human nature. He genuinely loved people and was interested in their thoughts and problems. When traveling by train, he invariably sat in the smoking car, eager to carry up a conversation. He had a remarkable memory for the names and faces of the most casual acquaintance s. As a pol he respected the opposition and welcomed structural criticism.Although not regarded as a ample orator in his day, he delivered well-planned, reasoned, addresses in a clear, pleasant voice. the honor of victor is increased by the obstacles which are to be surmounted. Let me triumph as a man or not at all. Rutherford B Hayes Honor, eh? Quite ironic considering that he triumphed in the presidential election by making a crummy political deal and abandoning black Southerners to decades of conquering and discrimination, causing him to be known to archives as Ruther-Fraud B. Hayes. Pros-He write a jurisprudence which made it easier for Chinese Immigrants to come into the verdant (this was repealed with the Exclusion Act). He tied the measure of the dollar to gold instead of silver. He supported Reconstruction (After the accomplished War).Cons-Great rail line smash-up greatly affected his presidency. Dealt with Conflicts with inbred American Tribes. Election Results are contest There is much more(prenominal) to him. If you are doing a project look more into him, and the join States in general in the late 1800s. Hayes journal and his emphasis on self-improvement in the journal, along with his unshakable favor for black suffrage as a congressman in 1867 all lead me to believe that the answer is, no. He was not racist towards blacks real events Munn v. Illinois, 94 U. S. 113 (1876)1, was a United States dictatorial Court case dealing with bodily rates and agriculture.The Munn v. Illinois case allowed verbalizes to regulate plastered businesses within their borders, including railroads. The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 began on July 14 in Martinsburg, western hemisphere Virginia, United States and ended some 45 days later on after it was plant down by local and state militias, as well as by federal troops. Hayes essentially sell out his ideals to the origin Confederacy in order to gain the Presidency. He allowed the former Con federate states to return to governing themselves approximately the same exact way they had been doing introductory to the Civil War.This essentially set the Civil Rights movement back for almost a century, as many Jim Crow Laws were passed to come across that blacks and other minorities could not rise to the same equality as whites, laws which were enforced in the Supreme Court case of Plessy v. Fergusson, which schematic the separate but equal mantra, and later overturned in the case of brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. During his presidency, Hayes gestural a number of bills including one signed on February 15, 1879 which, for the first time, allowed female attorneys to manage cases before the Supreme Court of the United States

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